Friday, April 4, 2014

weather cold cloudy and gray, great day to stay home!

We are going to see God's Not Dead tonight.  I have heard good things about this movie, not too interested in Noah, I heard they never once say the word God, talk about the rainbow, or the promise.  but, I am going to talk about going the movie theater, and traditions that need to be broken.  Since I have concluded that I eat way too much sugar, and I trying what to eat during the movie.  I realized that I don't really need to eat anything, but that is part of the fun of the movie.  Usually I eat milk duds, all of them in the box, and maybe finish a bag of Boston Baked Beans.  and I wonder why I can't lose weight.  We buy them at the drug store, because it is triple the cost at the theatre.  We also purchase or take our own diet pepsi, same deal way too expensive.  How do they get away with this.  We haven't had popcorn, same deal!  so back to the milk duds.  I am thinking of frozen fruit with a little truvia, or even apple slices with cinnamon.  both are kind of messy....I will have to decide soon, maybe something will pop up on Pinterest that will help me start a new tradition, a healthier one.  It has to last through all of the previews and half of the movie and not make a lot of noise...have to be courteous

We finished watching Breaking Dawn.   can't believe we both wanted to watch this series.  It was entertaining.....

that;s about it for this week, wrapping up some projects, starting a couple of new ones.  planted a couple of plants but they can't go outside yet, too chilly....tulips are popping up outside.  I am really looking for some new Anna Lee' TJMAXX doesn't have them and neither does Marshalls.  They were my go to places for new ones at a great price. 

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