Monday, March 31, 2014

Had a lovely day in Peoria....It was Annabelles confirmation it was nice to see everyone dressed up.  Only one boy chose to not be confirmed at this time, and really, I think that is okay.  12-13-14 is really a big decision about becoming an adult in the church.  Im not sure that most of them know what it is really all about, I know it doesn't hurt them to do this, but I'm not sure that it helps them either.  I did get to see some friends that I haven't seen for a while.  Linda and Orville were there for their grandkids, the Schlicksup family was there for Anna.  Susie Schlicksup is absolutely adorable.  Wicked sense of humor and a real love for her family, except maybe her dad.  I think that she and Cathy are the true backbone of the family, although their mom is also exceptional, enery to the hilt, and her sense of humor isn't far behind Susie.  Father Watson was his wonderful self.  He is so kind and thoughtful, the Parish family will truly miss him when he really retires or dies.  But really he is also a no nonsense kind of person.  He had that new church paid for in no time!

It was nice to visit with Pat Short, she surely has a road to travel.  Never have I seen 1 minute make such a tragic difference in the lives of a family.  She deserves a nice long vacation, and a little pampering.

maybe we all do!!!

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